Devin E. Eckhoff

Devin E. Eckhoff

所属公司:Devin E. Eckhoff, M.D

公司职位:Professor of Surgery



Devin E. Eckhoff, M.D., Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery,University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB).Dr. Devin E. Eckhoff joined the University of Alabama faculty in the Division of Transplantation in 1994. His clinical interest has been livertransplantation and hepatobiliary surgery. He became the Director of the Division of Transplant Surgery at UAB in 2003. Currently he is also the Co-Director of the Comprehensive Transplant Institute at UAB and the Medical Director of Transplantation and holds the Arnold G. Diethelm Endowed Chair in Transplantation Surgery. His undergraduate studies weredone at the University of Michigan where he graduated with highest honors. medical school at the University of Minnesota. He did his general surgery and transplant fellowship at the University of Wisconsinat Madison and was awarded the Sandoz Fellowship Award from the American Society of Transplant Surgeons. During his fellowship and in his subsequent career,he has a research interest in liver transplantation,is let transplantation and xenotransplantation.He has recently been awarded a grant for almost$20 million to do pre-clinical work on xenotransplantation. He has published more than 175 manuscripts and had over 100 oral presentations at both national and international meetings. He has presented at numerous invited lectureships and serves on four distinguished editorial boards.

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