Peter Hennessy

Peter Hennessy

所属公司:Jeta Gardens, Australia




Peter Hennessy, Director Jeta Gardens, has forty years’ experience in the healthand aged care industries. Throughout his career, Peter has embraced thechallenges presented by industry change and technology applications. Studying contemporary planning issues in Australia and overseas, Peter is wellequipped to provide uncompromising industry service. Academically he hastertiary qualifications in health administration, demographic analysis, socialresearch, accounting and management. Complementing his Jeta Gardens activities Peter holds advisory status with two Queensland Government Statutory Authorities. During his professional career Peter has undertaken extensive consulting assignments throughout Asia and the Pacific Rim specialising in health / aged care planning in developing communities. Clients included Australian Aid Agency (AUSAID); WHO (SE Asia / Western Pacific Region); Ministry of Health, Indonesia; HCA (King Faisal Hospital Riyadh Saudi Arabia); and Ministry of Health Fiji. In 2012 Peter was invited to participate in PEMANDU Aged Care Planning Laboratory. During 2011, Peter was invited to advise health and aged care agencies in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, and Shanghai, Shanghai Province China, particularlyfocussing on the social and care legacies of ageing populations. Peter’s early career included academic administration when he was appointed initial Administrator of the Medical Faculty, University of Papua New Guinea, Waigani, PNG. During this tenure Peter was also part time lecturer in accounting and health administration at UPNG. Peter enjoys a continuing academic appointment as Adjunct Professor, Centre for Environmental and Population and Health, Griffith University, Brisbane.This involves several lectures annually to post graduate students on care needs and the geo-demographic / social issues facing ageing populations in Asian countries.

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