Shouxin Li

Shouxin Li




Shouxin Li obtained a graduate certification in chemical engineering from the Tianjin University, PRC in July 1967. Professor Li has since been the author of numerous articles and publications on topics related to environmental protection, such as the use of ACF and the recovery of VOC from waste gases. Professor Li has been a Research Fellow at the China Management Science Research Institute since October 2004. He has also been a member of the Editorial Committee of the examination and training materials for the PRC National Registered Environmental Protection Engineers since June 2004. Professor Li Shouxin is the CTO and was appointed to the Board as an Executive Director of Sino-Environment Technology Group Limited on March 14, 2006. As a CTO, Professor Li is in charge of overseeing the overall design and technological development, production and after-sales technological aspects of our business. Professor Li has over 30 years of experience in the R&D of environmental protection technologies, especially relating to harmful waste gas treatment. From August 1967 to December 1974, he was a member of the technological team of the Railway Department in Qingdao Sifang Engine Factory and was involved in electroplating technological work. From January 1975 to December 1982, Professor Li was the head of science and technology research for the Hebei Baoding Science and Technology Committee. From January 1983 to December 2001, he was appointed as the Professor of Environmental Protection and Research of the Environmental Science and Engineering Faculty of North China Electric Power University. Professor Li then joined Fujian Thumb in January 2002 where he became its CTO responsible for the design and technology development of its environmental projects.

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