Cory Roberts

Cory Roberts




Mr.Roberts holds a B.A. in Finance and Graduate studies in International Finance from the University of Oklahoma.

Mr.Roberts’ investment management career began at Smith Barney, where he concentrated on developing risk management strategies in Smith Barney’s Private Client Group.

Mr. Roberts has an 18 year career in finance that spans investment management and investment banking. Over his career, Mr. Roberts has invested in and raised start-up capital for companies that eventually commanded over $3 billion in enterprise value. Two of the start-up ventures transacted reverse mergers and eventually traded on the American Stock Exchange at market capitalization values of over $600 million each. Prior to establishing Bay Peak llc, Mr. Roberts was the founder and Co-Managing Partner of Elevation Capital, llc a boutique investment bank and investment management company. At Elevation Capital, Mr. Roberts was responsible for overseeing investment banking operations as well as its core fund, the Elevation Venture Fund. In his investment banking capacity, Mr. Roberts led over $20 million in private capital financings for start-up clients, and led M&A development discussions of a $300 million Germany based chemical company and a $1 billion Korean based beverage company. He is now the managing director of World Capital Market Inc..

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