Christopher T. Ruder

Christopher T. Ruder




Christopher T. Ruder has got B.A. from Princeton University and J.D./M.B.A. from St. Louis University.

Chris has been with Portfolio Advisors since 2005 and serves as a key member of its primary and secondary investment research and diligence teams, particularly with respect to investments in the Asia Pacific region. Previously, he was a Director at Deutsche Bank, where he was responsible for the structuring of its third party private equity investment products, including the securitization of its private equity fund portfolio and the launch of regional private equity funds focused on investment activities in the Middle East. Prior to joining Deutsche Bank, Chris worked as an attorney for Bryan Cave LLP in the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia, where he advised American, European and Middle Eastern corporate and institutional investors on joint venture, merger and other private market activities in Europe and the Middle East. Chris has served as a director of the Jordan Fund and has served or is serving as an Advisory Board member of three private equity partnerships.

Chris is a Managing Director of Portfolio Advisors and serves as a voting member on the Investment Committee of several Portfolio Advisors funds.

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