Hallie Benjamin

Hallie Benjamin



公司职位:Strategy Consultant



Hallie Benjamin Hallie is a Strategy Consultant at Accenture, and has spent the last four years working across the public and private sectors to help clients solve their toughest business and people challenges. Her recent successes and frustrations both leading and supporting teams has led her to wonder why more people aren't talking about how to set a team up for success. She loves people development and good leadership. She also wishes there was more of it. Jo is a consultant at The Next Practice, an innovation consultancy focused in the areas of urban sustainability and the application of business to create both social and financing value. Jo is fascinated by organization and team dynamics and how they differ across sectors, industries and cultures. She has worked across Canada, the US, UK, India, Mexico and Barbados, and is constantly amazed by how the act of sharing food is one of the best ways to build relationships. Or maybe she just really likes eating.

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