Douglas G. Nyhoff

Douglas G. Nyhoff





Douglas G. Nyhoff holds an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School, a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Calgary and is a past member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Alberta. Previously, Mr. Nyhoff was a Partner at Bain & Company, working in various industries including aerospace, defense, HVAC, oil and gas, financial services, telecommunications, health care, retail and miscellaneous industrial products. He advised clients in developing corporate portfolio and business unit strategies, merging and consolidating businesses, controlling costs, optimizing distribution channels, reengineering core processes and evaluating market entry opportunities. Before Bain, Mr. Nyhoff worked at Ernst & Young as a merger and acquisition consultant and auditor. Prior to the formation of EMG, Mr. Nyhoff served in a similar role as Senior Vice President of Carlyle Management Group. Mr. Nyhoff previously served as Executive Vice President of EMG, President and CEO of Key Safety Systems, President of Key Plastics Europe and President and COO of The Aerostructures Corporation. Mr. Nyhoff is President and CEO of Ewing Management Group (EMG), leading investment activities around the world. Mr. Nyhoff is a major investor in every transaction, demonstrating his personal commitment and confidence in EMG’s investment philosophy and track record. Mr. Nyhoff works closely with portfolio management teams helping them achieve results and often assumes leadership positions. Mr. Nyhoff is currently serving as President and CEO of Key Plastics and Chairman of Senhe Horticulture and Dohow Chemical.

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