Peter Wendell

Peter Wendell


公司信息:Sierra Ventures



Peter Wendell is the founder and a Managing Director of Sierra Ventures. He led the Firm’s first round investments in technology companies such as Intuit (NASDAQ: INTU), Teradata (NYSE: TDC), OnAssignment (NASDAQ: ASGN), and Fatbrain (acquired by Barnes & Noble). He served as Chairman of the Firm’s portfolio company Centex Telemanagement (purchased by MCI) and also worked closely with the Firm’s investments in a variety of healthcare services businesses, including Amerigroup (NYSE: AGP), Healtheon (merged with WebMD), Intensiva Healthcare (acquired by Select Medical), and NovaMed (NASDAQ: NOVA). In 1982, armed with a BA from Princeton University and an MBA from Harvard and having spent ten years in sales and marketing at East Coast–based IBM, Peter Wendell followed his entrepreneurial instincts and headed to the West Coast and the budding Silicon Valley. He founded Sierra Ventures, which has grown from a single California-based partner and a fledging fund of $16 million to over a dozen investing professionals, nine funds, and $1.5 billion in committed capital. Peter co-teaches the popular course,

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