Robert E.Larson

Robert E.Larson


公司信息:Woodside Fund



Robert E.Larson has enjoyed a challenging and fruitful career in the computer and electronics industry for the past 35 years. He has an exceptionally broad exposure to the most recent developments in these technologies. Bob was co-founder, President and CEO of Systems Control, a computer systems and software company with 500 employees, including 100 with Ph.D. degrees, prior to its sale to British Petroleum. In addition, he was President of the international Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, the 340,000 member professional society for electrical engineers and computer scientists.

Bob has worked for IBM, Hughes Aircraft and SRI International. He was also a Consulting Professor at Stanford University in the Engineering-Economic Systems Department for over 20 years. Bob received his Ph.D. and MS degrees from Stanford University, and a BS degree from MIT, all in Electrical Engineering. He has written six textbooks and 140 technical papers on software and computer systems.

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