Kenneth Lau

所属机构:Aetos Capital

公司信息:Aetos Capital, LLC



Kenneth Lau is a Director of Aetos China. He is based in Hong Kong and is responsible for sourcing and structuring of new transactions.

Prior to joining Aetos China in 2007, Mr.Lau was a Vice President of Wachovia Bank N.A. in Hong Kong where he was responsible for the negotiation and execution of all real estate transactions in the Greater China region. Prior to Wachovia, Mr.Lau was a Vice President of Lehman Brothers’ Global Real Estate Group involved in the firm’s real estate activities in the Taiwan and China markets. At Wachovia and Lehman Brothers, Mr.Lau completed numerous asset and project-level equity investments and debt financings in conjunction with developers and property investors. Mr.Lau began his career as an investment banker at Lehman Brothers’ Corporate Finance Group serving the advisory and capital raising needs of financial institutions throughout the Asia Pacific region.

Mr. Lau received his Master degree in Engineering (Engineering, Economics and Management) from the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.

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