Christopher B. Taube

所属机构:Aetos Capital

公司信息:Aetos Capital, LLC



Christopher B. Taube is a Director of Aetos Capital and is responsible for evaluating all non-Japan acquisitions and for a wide variety of investment, fundraising and new business matters.

Prior to joining Aetos Capital in 2007, Mr.Taube was a Principal at Fremont Realty Capital in New York where he was involved in sourcing, closing and managing private equity real estate investments. Prior to joining Fremont, he graduated from Columbia Business School. Prior to Columbia Business School, Mr.Taube was at The Georgetown Company in New York where he worked on real estate development projects including retail, office and residential. He started his career at Lazard Frères & Co. LLC as an analyst in the Media and Communications Group.

Mr.Taube received a Bachelor of Arts from Princeton University and a Masters of Business Administration from Columbia Business School where he was elected to Beta Gamma Sigma and was a member of the Dean’s Honor List.

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