Jeffrey Parks

Jeffrey Parks

所属机构:Riverwood Capital

公司信息:Riverwood Capital,LLC(睿悟资本)



Jeffrey Parks is a founding Partner of Riverwood Capital. Prior to joining Riverwood, Mr. Parks was an investment executive at KKR from 2005 to 2007, where he focused on private equity investments in the technology sector and worked extensively with Mr. Marks and Mr. Alvarez-Demalde. While at KKR, Mr. Parks worked on investments in three of the five largest leveraged buyouts ever completed in the technology sector, and evaluated investment opportunities across the technology spectrum. Prior to joining KKR, Mr. Parks was an investment professional in the Principal Opportunities Fund at Oaktree Capital Management, where he specialized in private equity investment in distressed companies. Earlier in his career, Mr. Parks was an investment banker at UBS Investment Bank in Los Angeles.

Mr. Parks earned a Dual BA in Economics and Mathematics from Pomona College (Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa) in Claremont, California. He is a director of Micona Corp., K1 Speed and Virtual Instruments.

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