Phil Schlein


公司信息:U.S. Venture Partners



Phil Schlein is the venture partner of U.S. Venture Partners.

Philip S. Schlein joined USVP in 1985 after a successful 28-year career as an operating executive in the retailing industry. For 11 years prior to joining USVP, Phil was President and CEO of Macy's California. Under his leadership, Macy's California sales grew from just under $200 million to almost $1.2 billion; profits grew from $17 million to $108 million. Phil began his retail career with R.H. Macy, Inc. from 1957 till 1984 and served on the Board of Directors of Apple Computer for eight years from 1979 to 1987.

Since joining USVP, Phil has originated a number of investments in the consumer/retail sector including PETsMart, Fresh Choice and The House of Blues. In recent years, Phil has been active in the consumer products areas and currently serves on the Boards of Directors of Kids Park, Sound ID, Speciality's Bakery & Cafe, Tea Collections and other privately-held companies.

Phil holds a B.S. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania.

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