公司信息:Norwest Venture Partners
Venkat A. Mohan With a focus on Internet based solutions for businesses and consumers, Venkat brings more than 25 years of experience in marketing and general management to Norwest Venture Partners. His most recent investments and board seat appointments include 41st Parameter, Clairmail, GXS, RiseSmart and TrustID. Venkat was formerly a member of the board of directors of Crossweave (acquired by AmberPoint) and Softface (acquired by Ariba). He was a strategic advisor to Arbortext (acquired by Parametric Technology). Venkat joined Norwest Venture Partners in 2000.
Prior to joining Norwest, Venkat was president and chief operating officer at OnDisplay, a leading provider of internet content management software, which he helped take public in 1999. OnDisplay was subsequently acquired by Vignette Corporation. Earlier Venkat was vice president of global marketing and e-commerce at GEIS, formerly one of GE's 11 operating businesses. He also served as president at Cadis, a software start-up; executive vice president of marketing at VMX, a pioneer in voice processing; and CEO of WIPRO Systems Ltd.