Andreas Weiskam

所属机构:SAP Ventures

公司信息:SAP Ventures



Andreas Weiskam is SAP Ventures' managing director. Andreas brings significant enterprise and start-up experience to SAP Ventures. Prior to joining in 2006, he held several business development positions at SAP. Andreas co-developed and implemented the SAP Enterprise Services Community which enables customers and partners to define enterprise services with SAP. Andreas also worked in new business development for SAP and led the reseller deals with Virsa Systems and Mercury Interactive, among others. Prior to SAP, he was part of several start-up companies in both Germany and the US. Andreas co-founded Zadu, a venture-backed start-up firm providing instant messaging technology with presence awareness in the web. Andreas holds a graduate business degree of Diplom-Kaufmann from the University of Hamburg, Germany and a M.Litt. with distinction in Management, Economics and Politics from the University of St. Andrews, Scotland. Andreas manages investments in iovation, Lavante, LogLogic, and Retail Solutions and he led the investment in Amberpoint (ORCL).

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