Tan Chong Huat

Tan Chong Huat




Tan Chong Huat graduated with a degree in law from National University of Singapore in 1989. Mr. Tan is an advocate and solicitor in Singapore, and a solicitor in England and Wales. Mr. Tan is also a Commissioner for Oaths and a member of the Singapore Institute of Arbitration, the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and an accredited arbitrator with the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission. Mr. Tan is a member of Singapore Institute of Directors and also an elected council member of the Singapore Scout Association. Mr. Tan is an ad-hoc lecturer for several post-graduate degree programs conducted by the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Mr. Tan has authored two leading literature on PRC investment laws. Mr. Tan is also chairman of several corporate governance committees of public listed companies having operations in South East Asia, IndoChina, Hong Kong, PRC, South Korea, Philippines, Sri Lanka and India. Mr. Tan was the Independent Director of Asia Silk Holdings Limited and was appointed on 14 October 2004. Currently, Mr. Tan is a partner of KhattarWong, a firm of advocates and solicitors. Mr. Tan had been an equity partner of a major Singapore law firm and a local partner of a leading international law firm. Mr. Tan was appointed the chief representative of the Beijing office of a Singapore joint Law Venture.

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