Hideto Takagishi

Hideto Takagishi




Hideto Takagishi has authored 9 U.S. patents with 3 additional patents pending and holds a Bachelor of Electronics Communication degree from Osaka Electronic Communications University. Mr. Takagishi has over 25 year of system level architecture and design experience in complex mixed-signal analog/digital and power management ICs. His design and invention include the first Simple Switcher and various types of Class-D amplifiers. With nearly 20 years at National Semiconductor, Mr. Takagishi first worked as an FAE, then as a designer at its Japan Linear Design Center. He was later appointed as the Section Head of National Semiconductor’s CLASIC Design team in Japan, and eventually moved to its Santa Clara headquarters to serve as Application Engineer for its Audio Division. After National Semiconductor, Mr. Takagishi joined Monolithic Power Systems (MPS) as a key member of the start-up team and was instrumental in its successful product roll-outs of Class-D audio amplifiers and PMIC. In his capacity as both the senior designer and application engineer, he helped secured major design wins in Japan and Korea, which was critical for MPS’ IPO in 2005. Prior to joining Power Analog Microelectronics, Inc., Mr. Takagishi was the Engineering Manager at Pacific Technology Co. Ltd., a Hong-Kong based system design company. Mr. Takagishi is now the Vice President of System Architect of PAM.

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