Cameron Buchanan

Cameron Buchanan




Cameron Buchanan is a Managing Director and is responsible for all aspects of the investment process from deal origination, and the assessment of potential investee companies, including due diligence and analysis, to deal execution and implementation, monitoring and exit management. Prior to joining CHAMP in 2000, Mr Buchanan worked at Citigroup where he was involved in a variety of project finance, acquisition finance and general corporate transactions. Previously, Mr Buchanan spent two years in the Corporate Advisory group of PricewaterhouseCoopers, working on a variety of transactions including Mergers and Acquisitions, valuations and Independent Experts Reports.

Mr Buchanan commenced his career with Ernst and Young, where he qualified as a chartered accountant before spending 18 months in London.

Mr Buchanan holds a Bachelor degree in Business and a Masters degree in Applied Finance from the Queensland University of Technology (Dean’s award for excellence) and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants.

He is currently the Chairman of the LCR Group and is a Non executive Director of Manassen Foods Australia and Golding Contractors. He was previously a Director of Australian Pacific Paper Products and New Price Retail.

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