Tianyun Ye, obtained a bachelor’s degree in computer science and technology from China University of Geosciences, and masters degree in Business Administration course with Zhejiang University. Between September 1992 and June 1994, Mr. Ye acted as the head of Hangzhou Yuhang Chang Le Plastics Packaging Factory. Thereafter, he acted as the general manager of Hangzhou Le Hua Plastics Co., Ltd. from June 1994 to June 1997 before setting up 8Telecom. Mr. Ye is an executive member of Yuhang District, Commerce Association, member of Hangzhou Youth Entrepreneur Society, vice chairman of Yuhang District, Youth Union and member of Yuhang District Commercial and Industrial Union. Further, between 2000 and 2002, Mr. Ye applied for and was awarded five PRC new design patents and nine exterior design patents. Mr. Ye founded 8Telecom in 1997 and is currently the Executive Chairman and CEO of the Group. Mr. Ye is responsible for formulating the Group’s strategies and plans and management of the Group as well as overseeing the development and manufacturing operations of the Group’s products.