Bernard Tay Ah Kong

Bernard Tay Ah Kong




Bernard Tay Ah Kong was appointed as an Independent Director of Reyoung Pharmaceutical Holding Limited on 2005-04-07. Mr Tay is currently the Chairman of BZ Consulting Pte Ltd, which provides corporate advisory services. From 2000 to 2005, he was the Chief Executive Officer of BSM Consulting Pte Ltd, a multi-disciplinary management consultancy company. Between 1989 and 1999, Mr Tay was Managing Director of PB Packing Systems Pte Ltd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of a Singapore listed company, with operations in Singapore and overseas. He is a former member of the Resource Panel of the Government Parliamentary Committee for Home Affairs and Communications. Mr Tay is also an independent director of Oakwell Engineering Limited (a company listed on SGX Sesdaq), and Juken Technology Limited and Man Wah Holdings Limited (companies listed on the SGX Mainboard), and sits on several committees, including the School Advisory Committee of Northland Primary School, the Automobile Association of Singapore, the Complaints and Disciplinary Panel-Public Accountants Oversight Committee and also the Standing Law Review Focus Group, both of the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority, and the Singapore Productivity Association. Mr Tay is the Senior Advisor to the Government of Huzhou City of Zhejiang Province of PRC. He is the recipient of the Service to Education Award and Community Service Medal, and was also conferred the Pingat Banti Masharakat (Public Service Medal) by the President of Singapore in 1990. Mr Tay is a fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (U.K.), a Certified Public Accountant (Singapore), a Chartered Accountant of Malaysia, a fellow of the Taxation Institute of Australia and a full member of the Institute of Directors. He has worked in public accounting firms in the United Kingdom and Singapore, the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore and companies in commerce and industry for a period stretching over 30 years.

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